Although performing has been my dream ever since I made my debut as a fork in Beauty and The Beast, a seven year long battle withan undiagnosed autoimmune disease almost kept me from pursing it.

However, once I was diagnosed and treated, I relearned how to sing and dance, taking back the stage stronger and better than ever (and even starting a podcast in the process)! Losing my health and the ability to perform, not only lit a fire for my passion, but it made me incredibly grateful for every opportunity I get to grow or learn something new.

Having studied acting and music all over the world at various institutions, and I feel that I have a broader perspective and adaptability that I bring to my work. I also bring a little bit of my style (a mix of Elle Woods, Audrey Hepburn, and Rapunzel) to everything I do.

In addition to performing, I love writing, hosting themed dinner parties, and going on adventures!

Thanks for getting to know me!

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